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Massage...Good for what ails you
Massage...Good for what ails you
Emalene Lake
Licensed Massage Therapist
10 W 100 S Orderville, UT
Etiquette & FAQ
Etiquette & FAQ
Emalene Lake LMT 801.358.4656
10 W 100 S Orderville, UT 256 W 300 N Kanab, UT
Massage Etiquette
Massage Etiquette
Arriving ten to fifteen minutes prior to your appointment is encouraged. Please be advised that if you do arrive late for a treatment, we will end as originally scheduled so as not to delay the next scheduled client. A 24 hour notice of cancellation is appreciated.
Most of the treatments are performed with clothing off, but please let me know if you are uncomfortable with doing so. All treatments are performed with a sheet and towel draping. Draping complies with Utah State Law.
Please be clean. Having showered the day of the massage. If you have been doing a laborious job before your scheduled time please be courteous and shower before showing up for your appointment.
Don't eat a heavy meal prior to your appointment. You can eat, but eat a light meal or eat atleast 2 hours before your appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to get totally undressed?
You can undress to your level of comfort. Therapists should be able to handle your requests and adhere to your comfort. Some therapists may have requirements such as wearing shorts or sports bras if they are doing postural assessments, but they will tell you ahead of time about what to expect. You can also ask what is expected of you before going in for a session.
How often should I get a massage?
It really depends on your health, your needs and your wallet. I believe that if everyone had a massage at least once a week there would be world peace.
What does massage do?
We can get into the technical aspects like increasing circulation, decreasing pain etc. What massage really does is provide you with feedback about your body. It provides support for you while you take time for yourself. One will often find that their muscles were tighter and more tender than they realized. A skilled therapist will be able to assist you in listening to your body and finding out what it needs to heal.
What conditions are massage used for?
Stress, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, inflammation, musculo-skeletal conditions such as carpal tunnel, tendonitis, over use injuries, strains, sprains, tears; recovery from surgery, insomnia, reduces blood pressure, digestive disturbances, women's health issues.... the list goes on and on.
How do I know I am going to a reputable massage therapist?
Massage therapists in 33 states require licensing. In other states, finding a therapist by word of mouth would be your best bet. Although, licensing doesn't necessarily mean you will find a qualified therapist or one that meets your needs.
What licensing is required for massage therapists?
Each state has different regulations with different education requirements. Most require a minimum of 500 hours of education. While education and licensing doesn't provide any guarantee, it provides a place to start.
What should I ask when looking for a Massage Therapist?
What kind of massage do you do?
Do you have experience with ______(my condition, injury)?
How much do you charge?
How long is the session?
What should you tell your massage therapist?
Tell them what you need! Be specific! You can ask for different music, more or less heat, more or less pressure. You can tell them exactly what you want worked on and what you don't want touched. If you are finding they aren't doing what you need you can ask them to focus on whatever it is you need. Keep your therapist informed of all health related conditions whether or not you think they have anything to do with the massage or not. Some health conditions are contra-indicated for massage.
What should I do after a massage?
Your therapist will give you specific instructions, but in general drink a lot of water! Some recommend taking a bath in epsom salt and baking soda or other mineral baths to further enhance the relaxation process.
What will I feel like the next day?
Sometimes you may feel like you are getting the flu or cold. Some soreness may be felt in areas that were especially tight.
What if I am experiencing something unusual the day after the massage?
Please call your therapist!
How will I know if I have gotten a great massage??
Your body will tell you so!